Four Tips for Becoming a Better Pickleball Partner
The key to being successful in the world of pickleball double matches is having good chemistry with your partner. While being a proficient singles player is notable, becoming an incredible doubles player is impressive. Creating a mutually beneficial relationship between you and your teammate is equally as important as playing the game well. Intimidate opponents by using these four tips to become an unstoppable duo:
1. Constant communication!
The most important part of any relationship is good communication. Create an open dialogue with your partner! Establishing who is going for each shot can help eliminate confusion and can work towards building better trust between partners. Coordinate with your partner what your plan of attack will be in between or during plays. Some sayings to incorporate into your next match might be:
- “Mine!” to show that you will be hitting the incoming shot and saying “Yours!” for vice versa.
- “Out!” to indicate that the ball is either heading out of bounds or has been hit out of bounds.
- “Switch!” to flip-flop positions with your partner. Shifting positions can be confusing so keeping your partner in the loop is crucial.
- “No!” is a great way to tell your partner they should not be hitting the next shot because it is going out of bounds.
You can even go so far as to establish nonverbal communication with your partner. Hand signals and glances can often convey things that words cannot. Communicating without words might work to your advantage by keeping your opponents in the dark what you plan to do.
2. Give them space!
While you should always be there for your partner, giving them space is just as important. Crowding, if you are unfamiliar, is when your partner goes to return a shot but is hindered by your presence. This works in tandem with communicating, make sure you call the shots you are going for and the ones you are unable to reach. Crowding your partner can frustrate them and put strain on the team dynamic.
3. Practice patience and forgiveness.
Everyone has experienced watching a partner miss a shot and feeling that stab of disappointment. Despite that feeling, its crucial to remember that each game is a learning experience. Forgiving your partner and being patient with them is vital in this game. Making mistakes is a human trait, keep this in mind when frustration creeps in.
4. Positivity is Key!
Make sure to mix in some words of encouragement to let your partner know they’re doing well! Keeping a positive mindset can help your team rise above challenges presented during games. Building your partner up after a difficult rally can help them become more confident in themselves. Even if they miss a shot, let them know you still support them despite everything. Placing a positive spin on things can turn a game around!
Having a great partner is the key to succeeding in the world of pickleball. By communicating well, giving space, practicing patience, and staying positive, you can elevate your team’s game and create a great experience for everyone. Perhaps the most important key to working well with one another is to remember to enjoy the game together! Get out there and dominate the court with your teammate.